Monday, January 16, 2012

A Warm Mountain Cabin on a Snowy Day

Les’ Letters to my Grandchildren & Friends # 007
Letter # 7: A Warm Cabin on a Snowy Day

Note: These letters are focused toward my grandchildren but intended for everyone whom God loves.

From Grandpa Leslie Briggs Wilson                             January 22, 2012

Dear Grandchildren & Friends,

Understanding the word ‘opinion’ is critical to understanding today’s story. 

So, before we read the story let’s define the word ‘opinion’.

Funk & Wagnall’s 1956 Dictionary defines the word ‘opinion’ as:

 “A conclusion or judgment held with confidence, but falling short of   positive knowledge.”

Now back to our story:   ‘A Warm Mountain Cabin on a Snowy Day’.

Once upon a time, there was a young woman who inherited a beautiful log cabin from her parents.  This cabin was way up high in the mountains where the snow gets over 20 feet deep in the winter. It had a cozy fireplace and everything the young woman needed.

It was autumn in the mountains.  The leaves of the quaking aspens had turned to gold.  There was a chill in the air and the sky was clouding over.

The young woman had laid in a supply of food and firewood.  She was ready for the coming storm and the long winter ahead.

She wanted to take one more hike in the forest before being snowed in; so she left a crackling fire in the fireplace, pulled on her heavy coat and headed up the mountain behind her cabin.

She hiked for about an hour.  She was delighted with the serenity as huge snowflakes began to gently float to the ground through the trees.

The only sound she heard that morning was a faint crunching sound somewhere in the distance behind her.  Other than that, everything was beautiful and comforting and peaceful.

Meanwhile back near her cabin, a car has just slid off the primitive mountain road.  It has crashed against a tree.  There are only two survivors.

A little girl in the back seat has just loosed herself from her seat belt and is struggling to free her baby brother from his car seat.

She is heart broken and terrified by her circumstances; but, she is determined to save her baby brother.

She opens the door and lifts her brother up with her tiny arms.  She carries him a few feet across the snow covered ground.

She stops and looks around for help. She sees smoke rising from the chimney of a cabin about a half mile away.

She hugs her baby brother close to her body and trudges with tiny steps toward the cabin.

By the time she gets to the porch she is exhausted.  Thank God, the door is unlocked.  She pushes through the doorway and lays her baby brother on the couch.  He is hungry and crying.  She finds some canned milk in a cupboard, opens the can and feeds some to her brother.

It is so good to be in a warm safe place.  She wonders what will happen to them.  Who owns the cabin?  Will they come back soon?  Will they welcome their uninvited guests?  Will they comfort them? Will they help them?  Will they protect them?

The girl’s questions are soon answered as the woman comes through the door.  A burst of wind and snow come in with her.  The gentle snow has turned into a blizzard.

Winter has come.  They will be snowed in here together for months.  The snow plows never plow the primitive mountain road near the cabin.  Once the snow comes, the road is closed for the winter.  That has never bothered the woman before.  She likes her privacy; but, now she has uninvited guests.

She goes to the phone and calls her attorney in the city in the valley below.

“Linda, this is Norma.  There has been a car wreck up here. 

“There is a little girl and a baby in my cabin.  I don’t know what to do.  What should I do?”

“Norma, the snow is too deep and it’s getting deeper.  No one can get through to you right now.  You just need to hang tight.”

“Linda, I don’t want these kids here.  This is my cabin.  I live here because I want my privacy.

“These kids are putting my life in danger.  I’m not prepared to take care of them. ......

“I’ve stored enough winter provisions for one person, me.  I may not have enough food to feed three people through this winter. ....

“It’s my cabin, my food, my life and I have a right to enjoy it all with quiet privacy. What shall I do with these kids? I need answers, Linda. ”

“OK Norma, I’ll take your dilemma before the authorities at the council meeting tonight.  I’ll call you back as soon as I have their decision.”

Down in the city in the valley below, the council comes to order.  The authorities are all present.  Linda brings Norma’s dilemma before the council.

It is the opinion of two of the nine council members that Norma should protect the children for a few months until winter is over and then someone else can come and get the children and take care of them.

It was the opinion of the other seven council members that:
1.      It is Norma’s cabin and she can do with it as she pleases.
2.      The children may put Norma’s life in danger.
3.      It is Norma’s food, Norma’s firewood, and Norma’s space.
4.      Norma has a right to privacy.

The council votes and the opinion of the majority rules.  Their decision is:

“Norma can do whatever she pleases with the children.”

Attorney Linda calls Norma with the good news of the council’s decision.  “Norma, it is the decision of the council that you can do whatever you want with the children.”

Norma says “thanks.”

Then she leads the little girl and carries the baby through the snow to the edge of a cliff.   Then she throws them over the side of the cliff so their little bodies can be torn to pieces by ravenous wolves.

Do you like the end of the story?

It is strange, but people say, Don’t tell us what is right. Speak to us pleasant words. Tell us smooth things. Give us illusions. Let us hear no more about the Holy One of Israel.” (See Isaiah 30:10-11)

So she throws them over the side of the cliff so their little bodies can be torn to pieces by ravenous wolves.

They’ll never get a chance to grow.
They’ll never frolic in the snow.
The ‘opinion’ is ---- the kids can go.
The gift of Life God gave to them,
Has been denied by seven men;
Who did not know when life begins.
They’re all dead now and face their sins.
Judges come and judges go.
Their ‘opinions’ swing to and fro.

You judges are guilty of murder to;
There is a Judge more Supreme than you.
He gave us Life; and Liberty;
And pursuit of happiness, don’t you see.
You killed us all in ’73.

Do you like the way the story ends? 

I hate the ending. 

But this is not really the end.

It gets worse............................  It gets so much worse. 

The story has been repeated 50 million times since seven flawed, incompetent, mortal men issued and ‘opinion’ on January 22, 1973.

Remember the definition of ‘opinion’.

An ‘opinion’ is:
·        A conclusion or judgment
·        held with confidence,
·        but falling short of positive knowledge.

The Judges seem confused about when life begins.  They are certainly falling short of positive knowledge.’

The Judges have proved themselves to be flawed and incompetent because their reasoning was without logic. 

These seven men ruled that the woman’s right to her liberty and her pursuit of her happiness trumps the babies’ right to life. 

The judges failed to see that the right to liberty and the right to pursue happiness are completely dependent on the right to Life for every  individual human soul.  Life denied to one individual can be denied to any individual.

Did you ever see a free dead person pursuing happiness?

Was this letter painful to read?  Would you rather not hear about these tragic facts of death in America?

Sometimes people just don’t want to hear the truth. Speak to us pleasant words. Tell us smooth things. Give us illusions.”

Grandchild, do you like the story? 

I hate the story myself.  But I would love to hear the end. 

It hasn’t ended yet.  The story goes on & on.

It will never end, until you end it. 

You must convince your generation to end it.

I am ashamed that my generation allowed this to happen.

Grandma & I have tried to influence our generation to end it.  Our turn in the battle is almost over.  There are too many hard hearts in our generation.

Do you remember the line from my story?  “She throws them over the side of the cliff so their little bodies can be torn to pieces by ravenous wolves.

Too many politicians are bribed by campaign contributions from the ravenous wolves that tear their little bodies to pieces.

Seven flawed, incompetent, mortal men have violated their oath to preserve and protect the Constitution of the United States of America.  In the pretext of interpreting the constitution they have presumed to overrule God’s gift of Life.  They say, “Let us hear no more about the Holy One of Israel.”
Because of their illogical tragic ‘opinion’  the blood of over 50 million babies cries out to God for judgment on America. 

Politicians like President Barack Obama and Senator Claire McCaskill are like the ancient Babylonian King named Belshazzar. 

Like King Belshazzar and his court, our government leadershave praised the gods of silver and gold, of bronze, iron, wood and stone, which do not see, hear or understand. But the God in whose hand are their life-breath and their ways, they have not glorified.________ God has numbered their kingdom and put an end to it. (Dan. 5:23&26 NASB)

God is never pleased with the shedding of innocent blood.  I fear that God has already numbered America’s days.  He may soon put an end to America if we don’t put an end to this story.

Only you can end this story.  Only you can give it a happy ending.  Only you can bring this nation to repentance and redemption.

Your generation must step forward and stop the slaughter of innocent helpless babies.

You can start this year by working to defeat Barack Obama in this year’s election.  Pray Psalms 109:8 for him.

You can start this year by working to defeat Senator Claire McCaskill in this year’s election.  Pray the feminine version of Psalms 109:8 for her.

McCaskill and Obama are both bought and paid for by the ravenous wolves who tear the little bodies to pieces.

Do something to end this story.  Please do all you can this year.  Oppose all pro-abortion politicians.

2012 may be our last chance as a nation to repent.

For the sake of your future, pray 2nd Chronicles 7:14-15 for our country.

Love and Prayers,

Grandpa Les

Letter #6 capitalism versus free enterprise

Les’ Letters to my Grandchildren 006
Letter # 6: Capitalism versus Free Enterprise

From Grandpa Leslie Briggs Wilson                             January 16, 2012

Dear Grandchildren,

The news media can no longer distinguish Left from Right because they are confused about the differences between capitalism and free enterprise.  They use these words as if they are synonymous.  They are not.

Free enterprise is almost always GOOD.  Capitalism can be good or BAD depending on the conduct of the managing capitalist. 

We should judge each example of capitalism based on the integrity of the individuals managing the capitalistic enterprise.

Monopolies are capitalistic but they have eliminated free enterprise.

Capitalists who destroy an enterprise in order to loot the capital are the enemies of free enterprise. 

Capitalists who bribe politicians to gain an advantage over their competitors are the enemies of free enterprise. They loot your country’s treasury.  They put you under the weight of future taxes.  They steal your freedom.  They are destroying your country.

Too many campaign contributions are bribes.  Our government is corrupted by our election process.

Huge money is used to win power over our lives.

We are loosing our freedom because rich Democrat and rich Republican donors fight every two years for control of our government.  

On the left we have the Democrats who want to control our lives by a big socialistic government. Communism is always bad.

On the right Republicans want to control our lives by capitalistic means.

What we want is our freedom.  We don't want left wing or right wing robber barons to own our government.

The words right and left have been twisted so many ways they no longer have coherent meaning.

Is left communism and right Nazism?

Or is left socialism and right capitalism?

Or is left big government and right big business?

Or is left pro-abortion and right pro-life?

Or is left tyranny of all kinds and right individual freedom?

Do the politicians and the news media know their left from their right?

I don’t think so.

Don’t let the word twisters twist your mind.

Grandchildren, you are soon going to have to manage this Republic.  You need to be able to sort out the truth about the world you live in.

When in doubt, read your Bible.

Love and Prayers

Grandpa Les

Monday, January 2, 2012

Letter # 5: Thinking Outside of Yourself

Les’ Letters to my Grandchildren 005
Letter # 5: Thinking Outside of Yourself

From Grandpa Leslie Briggs Wilson                             January 2, 2012

Dear Grandchildren,

Today and everyday this month try to have compassion for your parents.  Just try this for 30 days and see if your life doesn’t get better.  Many of you already do this everyday.  Thank you for reflecting your parents love.

Your parents love you more than you comprehend.  You will understand this when you hold your precious new born baby in your arms.

When your parents look at you all grown up, they see you through the rosy glasses of a million precious memories.  Don’t spoil it.  Let them bask in the beauty of your unselfish conduct.

Every one of us invests a portion of our lives in the people of our lives. 

Good parents invest a great portion of their lives in the lives of their children.  Be a good investment.  Show them that you are.  They have given you the best they had to give.  They have given you a large portion of their lives.  They have given you their love.

Life & love are all we have. The more we give, the more we have. We have an endless supply of love from the only source of love.  God is Love.

         “But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.

            “Much more then, having now been justified by His blood, we shall       be saved from the wrath of God through Him. (Rom. 8:8-9 NASB)

We have an endless source of life from the only giver of life when we accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior.

Our supply of Love and Life is limitless because our Source Love and Life is Jesus the infinite eternal omnipotent omnipresent Creator of the universe.  So don’t be stingy with either.  The more you give away, the more you have.  Let me add a word of caution.  “Do not give what is holy to dogs, and do not throw your pearls before swine, or they will trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you to pieces.” (Matt. 7:6 NASB)

Today’s letter is extra long, because I have included a wonderful message from Oswald Chambers.  But let me start with a few words about freedom.
Every American who enjoys freedom should thank the Scottish preachers who laid the groundwork for our freedom.

Men like George Buchanan who wrote De Jure Regni Apud Scotos in 1579 and Samuel Rutherford who wrote Rex, Lex, which was published in 1644.

These great Scottish preachers stood up to the kings and tyrants of their day at the risk of their own lives.

A Scottish born preacher named John Witherspoon signed the U.S. Declaration of Independence.

One great Scottish preacher was Oswald Chambers who lived from 1874 to 1917.

Sometime between 1897 and 1906 Oswald Chambers prepared a sermon in Dunoon Scotland.  That sermon was later included in a book published in 1938.  The name of the book was The Love of God.

I would like to share that message with you today.

The last 100 years have warped the English language, so Oswald’s phrases may sound a little strange.

Also remember that he was a Scot, not an American.

But, a beautiful thing about God’s word is that even though languages change, the message never does.

Our Bible was written in Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek and translated into nearly every language on the face of the earth.

These translations have been made in obedience to the Great Commission given to us by our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

For over 2,000 years brave men and women have given their lives to bring the Word of God’s Love to us.

Every once in a while it is good for us to learn something about these heroes and what they did, and said and wrote.

I like to study the writings of Oswald Chambers because what he wrote tells me that He lived what he wrote.

He understood what it means to be one with Christ.  He understood walking in the Holy Spirit.  He understood surrendering your self to Jesus.

And his writings convict me of my own sinful ways and hold out the beautiful message of experiencing Christ living in me.

Please listen as Oswald Chambers speaks from 100 years ago:

The Love of God (by Oswald Chambers)

God is love.

No one but God could have revealed that to the world, for men, and we all indeed, see nothing but its contradiction in our own limited world of experience.

It needs but little imagination to construe the life of hundreds of this great city’s inhabitants into a vehement laughter at such a declaration as God is love.

From shattered, broken lives, from caverns of despair where fiends seem living rather than men, comes the existing contradiction to any such statement.

No wonder the carnal mind, the merely intellectually cultured, consider us infatuated, mere dreamers, talking of love when murder and war and famine and lust and pestilence, and all the refinement of selfish cruelty is abroad in the earth.

But, oh the sublimity of the Abraham-like faith that dares to place the centre of its life and confidence and action and hope in an unseen and apparently unknown God, saying, God is love, in spite of all appearances to the contrary; saying Though He slay me, yet will I trust in Him. Such faith is counted to a man for righteousness .

Look back over your own history as revealed to you by grace, and you will see one central fact growing large—God is love.

No matter how often your faith in such an announcement was clouded, no matter how the pain and suffering of the moment made you speak in a wrong mood, still this statement has borne its own evidence along with it most persistently—God is love.

In the future, when trial and difficulties await you, do not be fearful, whatever and whoever you may lose faith in, let not this faith slip from you—God is Love; whisper it not only to your heart in its hour of darkness, but here in your corner of God’s earth and man’s great city, live in the belief of it; preach it by your sweetened, chastened, happy life; sing it in consecrated moments of peaceful joy, sing until the world around you is wrought To sympathy with hopes and fears it heeded not.

The world does not bid you sing, but God does. Song is the sign of an unburdened heart; then sing your songs of love unbidden, ever rising higher and higher into a fuller conception of the greatest, grandest fact on the stage of Time—God is Love.

But words and emotions pass, precious as their influence may be for the time, so when the duller moments come and the mind comes to require something more certain and sure to consider than the memory of mere emotions and stirring sentiments—consider this revelation, the eternal fact that God is Love, not, God is loving.

God and love are synonymous.

Love is not an attribute of God, it is God; whatever God is, love is.

If your conception of love does not agree with justice and judgment and purity and holiness, then your idea of love is wrong.

It is not love you conceive of in your mind, but some vague infinite foolishness, all tears and softness and of infinite weakness.

1. God Is Love—In His Very Nature

Some exceptionally gifted men may derive their conception of God from other sources than the Bible, but all I know of God I have got from the Bible, and those who taught me got what they taught from the Bible.

In all my dreams and imaginings and visions I see God, but it is the God of the Bible that I see, and I feel Him to be near me.

 I see ever amid the mysteries of Providence and Grace and Creation “a Face like my face,” and “a Hand like this hand,” and I have learned to love God Who gave me such a sure way of knowing Him and left me not to the vain imaginations of my own sin-warped intellect.

(God is Love) In Creation.

The love of God gives us a new method of seeing Nature. His voice is on the rolling air, we see Him in the rising sun, and in the setting He is fair; in the singing of the birds, in the love of human hearts, the voice of God is in all. Had we but ears to hear the stars singing, to catch the glorious pealing anthem of praise echoing from the hills of immortality by the heavenly hosts!

(God is Love) In His Wisdom.

God did not create man as a puppet to please a despotic idea of His own, He created us out of the superabundant flow of overflowing love and goodness, He created us susceptible of all the blessedness which He had ordained for us. He “thought” us in the rapture of His own great heart, and lo, we are! Created in the image of God we, innocent of evil, of great God-like capacities.

(God is Love) In His Power.

The whole world moves but to His great inscrutable will, animate and inanimate creation, the celestial bodies moving on their orbits, the globe with all its diversified issues and accompaniments, are all subservient to this end.

      Yes, God is good, in earth and sky,
            In ocean depth and swelling wood,
            Ten thousand voices ever cry,
            God made us all, and God is good.

(God is Love) In His Holiness.

God walked with man and talked with him, He told him His mind, and showed him the precise path in which he must walk in order to enjoy the happinesses He had ordained for him; He rejoiced in the fulness of His nature over man as His child, the offspring of His love. He left nothing unrevealed to man; He loved him. Oh, the joy and rapture of God the Father over man His son!

(God is Love) In His Justice.

God showed to man that compliance with His dictates would ever mean eternal bliss and joy unspeakable and life and knowledge for evermore, but that ceasing to comply would mean loss of life with God and eternal death.

That was in the world’s bright morning when the morning stars sang together and all creation leapt in joy, but the wild, wild desolation of sin and disobedience and pride and selfish sinfulness entered and drave a great gulf between God’s children and Himself. But, as ever, Love found a way, God came to us and for us, and we this day with chastened hearts and quivering lips and glistening eyes, yet with love deep and strong in our hearts, say all afresh with deep adoration, God is Love.

If God exhibits such glorious love in His Nature, what, oh what, shall we say of the glories of the dispensation of His Grace! That God would have walked this earth had sin never entered is very likely, yet sin did not refrain Him from graciously walking and revealing Himself in communion with men. No, still He came. But men were so blinded by sin that they saw Him not, they knew Him not, while He hewed a way back through the hard face of sin to the heavenly shores.

2.The Gift of God’s Only Begotten Son

The gift of God’s only begotten Son surely reveals His love in an amazing degree—He that spared not His own Son—till now it matters not how bad a man is, if he will but lift his eyes to the Cross he shall be saved. But yet so blinded and infatuated and imbecile has man become by sin that he can see nothing in the life of Christ save the evidence of a beautiful, good life, the best of human beings, living misunderstood, suffering, dying as a martyr. To meet this difficulty Love itself gave another gift—the gift of the Holy Spirit.

3. The Gift of the Holy Spirit

When He shines on the Historic Christ, all the great and grey outlines spring into glorious relief and colour and beauty, and the soul amazed, calls out, My Lord and my God.

When the Holy Spirit has begun His gracious work in your soul and heart by making it tremulously expectant, you see a new light on the Cross and the “martyr” becomes the Saviour of the world. Surely He hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows: yet we did esteem Him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted. But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon Him; and with His stripes we are healed” (rv).

Though it is too difficult, nay impossible, to trace that God is love by mere unaided human intellect, it is not impossible to the intuitions of faith.
Lift up your eyes and look abroad over the whole earth, and in the administration of God’s moral government you will begin to discern that God is love, that over sin and war and death and hell He reigns supreme, that His purposes are ripening fast.

 We must by holy contemplation of all we have considered keep ourselves in the love of God, then we shall not be able to despond for long.

The love of God performs a miracle of grace in graceless human hearts. Human love and lesser loves must wither into the most glorious and highest love of all, viz., the love of God.

Then we shall see not only each other’s faults, we shall see the highest possibilities in each other, and shall love each other for what God will yet make of us. 

Nothing is too hard for God, no sin too difficult for His love to overcome, not a failure but He can make it a success.

God is Love—one brief sentence, you can print it on a ring: it is the Gospel. A time is coming when the whole round world will know that God reigns and that God is Love, when hell and heaven, life and death, sin and salvation, will be read and understood aright at last.

God is Love—a puzzle text, to be solved slowly, as with tears and penitence, by prayer and joy, by vision and faith, and, last, by death. 1

1) These words of Oswald Chambers’ about God’s Love are from pages 655 to 657 of ‘The Complete Works of Oswald Chambers’ copyright 2000 by Oswald Chambers Publications Association, Limited.  This would be a great addition to your library.  It can be ordered online from CBD @ $25.99 + S & H.  The CBD stock number is WW30392. 

Grandchild, if you want one let me know.  Lord willing I can probably afford one copy per month from His funds.  Requests will be answered in the order received.

If you’ve read this far you’ll probably read OZ.  God bless your attention span.

Love and Prayers

Grandpa Les