Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Letter # 4: Unraveling Twisted Words

Les’ Letters to my Grandchildren 004
Letter # 4: Unraveling Twisted Words

From Grandpa Leslie Briggs Wilson                             December 19, 2011

Dear Grandchildren,

Every day we all walk through a maze of misinformation.

Like spiders spinning their webs to catch gullible flies, the word crafters of this world twist words deceive us. Today I will give you just a few examples; but I’m sure you can add many more. 

As you listen to the arguments put forth by politicians, pundants, and news media it will help if you understand what they are really saying.  They all use little catch phrases to trap unsuspecting little flies into their webs of deceit.

Listed below is my start on a ‘Democrat Dictionary’. We will publish more entries later.  Here are some of their words & phrases and the true definitions:

  • “Balanced” = Do everything our way.
  • “Bipartisan” = Do everything our way.
  • “Cooperate” = Do everything our way.
  • “Extremist” = anyone who prefers live babies to dead babies.
  • “Out of the mainstream” = anyone who won’t swim in their sewer.
  • “Millionaires and billionaires should pay their fair share” = Thou salt covet thy neighbors wealth.  If you vote for us, we will give a little of their wealth to you, (and keep a lot for ourselves and our friends).

Republicans often use the word ‘capitalism’ and the phrase ‘free enterprise’ as if they are synonyms.  They are not.  When capitalists give bribes to politicians to get an advantage over their competitors, they are the enemies of free enterprise.  This practice is commonly called ‘crony capitalism’.  Both of the current political parties are constantly guilty of this type of legalized corruption. The crooked politicians have made it legal; but, it’s corrupt malfeasance and it is destroying our country.

When the ‘occupy’ communists, socialists, progressives, Islamites, and other wannabe tyrants try to take over the world they like to use the term ‘democracy’ as if it is synonymous with ‘freedom’.

Democracy is NOT freedom.  Think about being in a tribe of cannibals when they vote to decide who is going to be lunch.  It might be you.  Vote once.  Be lunch.

Democracy is not freedom.  Think about being a Christian in Egypt when they vote in an Islamic Caliphate government.  Under Shariah Law the individual Christians will be forced to be Muslims, slaves, leave Egypt or die.  Where’s the freedom for the individual?

How many Christian Churches are there in Iran?  How many Bibles are there in Mecca? 

Democracy without individual rights is mob rule.  This is what the ‘occupy’ movement is all about, mob rule.

Your teachers may teach you that our American freedoms have their roots in Rome and Greece.  Neither Italy nor Greece has ever experienced the freedom that was experienced in America in the 1880s.

Our American freedom came from Jesus Christ to our founding fathers through men like Samuel Rutherford. 

Our founding fathers wrote these words, We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.” These are individual rights.

Democracy without individual rights is tyranny.  Jesus loves individuals.

I am writing these letters to you for the same reasons Paul wrote his letter to the Colossians.  Here are some of the reasons for these letters:
  • To encourage your hearts.
  • So that you can all be knit together in love.
  • So that you to may attain all the wealth that comes from the full assurance of understanding Jesus.
  • So that the results for you will be: a true knowledge of God’s mystery, that is, Jesus Christ Himself.
  • So that you will come to the full understanding that all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge are hidden in Jesus.
  • So that no one will be able to delude you with persuasive argument.

Be courageous in your faith.  You can do all things through Christ.  He is the only true source of all wisdom, knowledge, and freedom.

Love and Prayers,                          Grandpa Les          

P.S.  Spiders are everywhere.  Don’t be a fly.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Les’ Letters to my Grandchildren 003
Letter # 3: Why I am Writing to You

From Grandpa Leslie Briggs Wilson                             December 14, 2011

Dear Grandchildren,

As you all know, Grandma and I have 25 grandchildren, one great-grandchild and another one on the way.  We will soon have over 100 great-grandchildren if you are all fruitful and multiply; unless the rapture interrupts the process.

I’m pretty sure that you are all smarter and faster than me; but, I have a head start and I’m closer to the finish line.  Smart can be good; but, wisdom is better.  If you are smart you will pray for wisdom.

My generation is leaving yours with a terrible mess and I am deeply concerned about the struggles that you are living with right now and the troubles that you will face in the future.

Grandma and I have lived through many of the same things you face today and will face in the near future.  We have experienced pain, anxiety, worry, fears, feelings of rejection, and feelings of inadequacy.  Let me say a few words about these things.
  • Pain is real and unavoidable.
  • Anxiety, worry, and fear have been my constant sinful companions and I confess them and repent of them and I am forgiven for them.
  • Fear is the antithesis of faith and my faith in Jesus is greater than all my fears.  I never let fear make my decisions.
  • I did experience feelings of rejection as a very young child; but, I got over that about 62 years ago.  I don’t much care what anyone thinks about me, except Jesus and Grandma.
  • Regarding feelings of inadequacy: I’ve finally accepted the fact that I am inadequate; but, Jesus is sufficient for all my needs.

Pain is real.  Pain is unavoidable.  Jesus said that in this world we will have pain. But Jesus said, “Be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.”  I can testify that this is true.  Grandma and I have experienced the greatest pain of all, the loss of a child.  Jesus brought us through that. With His abiding love, He can bring you through anything.  Trust Him. Believe Him. Love Him.  When you can’t understand your circumstances, just trust His love.

Faith is the antithesis of fear.  I am writing to you to encourage you to keep the faith through your struggles.  I am writing to you to warn you of things to come.  If the reader is not one of my grandchildren then I want to encourage you also.  Consider Evelyn & me as your foster grandparents.
I am writing to you, so that, you will understand the signs of the times in which you live and you will serve the Lord today and each day to follow.

I am writing to you to help you gain wisdom at a much younger age than I did.  Most of you already have a big head start, age wise.  It took me 35 years to just get humbled enough to receive Jesus as my Lord and Savior.

I will be writing to you about the rapture, the coming tribulation, the second coming of Jesus and His 1,000 year Kingdom of Heaven on this earth.

Some of you are scholars.  Some of you have short attention spans.  Some of you are too young to understand and will have to read these letters (if you wish) after I’ve gone to be with Jesus.

I have carefully studied the Scriptures for 38 years and I am still studying.

I have carefully considered the various opinions about the rapture, the coming wars, Armageddon, the second coming of Jesus, and His 1,000 year Kingdom of Heaven on this earth.  The classical premillennial, pre-tribulation interpretation makes the most sense to me. If this doesn’t make sense to you right now, it will when my letters are finished.  Other views of the ‘end times’ (a.k.a. eschatology) just ignore too many Scriptures.

If you scholars want to do your own research of the various views of eschatology and their weaknesses, I would recommend the writings of John F. Walvoord and the other past and present teachers at Dallas Theological Seminary.  Because some of you have short attention spans I will try to limit these letters to two pages.

Grandma and I have faced financial struggles; but let me say that we have been living on manna for 55 years and have never gone hungry during those years.  Grandma did experience hunger as a child.  She only weighed 112 pounds when we got married.  The Lord and I have been taking good care of her. She says that I am the answer to a maiden’s prayer.  Can you imagine that? I am exhilarated with her beauty and intoxicated by her love.   

I’ve often said that loving your grandma is the easiest thing I ever had to do.  I have to do it.  I can’t help it.  I just like being around her.  I always have, since the day I met her. I’ve always have liked being around her.  I always will.  Except for Jesus, I’m the richest man who ever lived.  I pray that God will bless each one of you with a spouse like your Grandma.

Love and prayers,                          Grandpa Les

P.S. If you don’t like being around someone or they don’t like being around you, then don’t marry them.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Letter Letter # 2: Regarding the Most Profound Event in 74 years

From Grandpa Leslie Briggs Wilson                             December 12, 2011

Today I would like to share with you about the most profound historical event of my lifetime. 

When I was 10 years old there was no nation of Israel.  There had been no nation of Israel for over 1,800 years.

There was no nation of Israel to be surrounded by the hostile gentile nations of this world.

But, when I was 11 years old God reestablished the nation of Israel and started gathering the Jews back to Israel.

This is the most profound thing that has happened in my lifetime.  Biblical prophesy was fulfilled right before my eyes. 

Today more profound things are happening right before our eyes.  We get to watch Biblical prophesy being fulfilled every day.

What is happening to Israel today was prophesied in the Bible over 2,000 years ago.  The Old & New Testaments tell us over and over about how Israel would someday be surrounded by her enemies and how Jesus will return to make war with these hostile gentile nations.

History is kind of like a fireworks display. Did you ever go to a nighttime fireworks display on the 4th of July?

You set there for a couple of hours saying oooh and aaah until you get a little bored with all the repetitive explosions.

After an hour or two you might think, “Is this ever going to be over?  I’m tired and I want to go home.”

But you stay and watch ___ because you always know ___ that sooner or later you are going to see the Grand Finale.

The history of mankind is a history of wars.

Like the repetitive explosions at a fireworks display, mankind has fought war after war. It seems like everything just continues on war after war. When will the fireworks be over?  We don’t have long to wait. We only have a few wars to go.

The Grand Finale is about to happen.  Let’s look at some history.

In 70 AD Titus and his Roman Legions surrounded Israel. 

They attacked Jerusalem and destroyed the Temple and the city.

This ended the nation of Israel for 1,878 years.

The Jews were scattered all over the earth.  Just like the Bible says they would be.

Many of God’s prophets had said that the Jews would be scattered all over the earth; but, they also said that God would call them back again.

Over those 1800+ years that piece of ground that was once the nation of Israel came to be called Palestine.

For 1,878 years the armies of various gentile nations invaded Palestine & tramped through the streets of Jerusalem.

Jesus had said that the Temple would be destroyed. 

Jesus also said that when He comes again, Jerusalem will be surrounded again by hostile nations.

These hostile nations will make war on Israel and Jesus will make war on them, defeat them and establish His Kingdom on earth.  That’s the truth.

Sometimes people just don’t want to hear the truth.

It is strange, but people say things like, Don’t tell us what is right. Speak to us pleasant words. Tell us smooth things. Give us illusions. Let us hear no more about the Holy One of Israel.” (See Isaiah 30:10-11)

A few days ago Newt Gingrich caused an international uproar by simply telling the truth.  He said that the Palestinians were an invention.  There never was a Palestinian Nation. There was a territory called Palestine; but, not a nation.  Always be skeptical of the news media.

If you want to learn about the events surrounding the reestablishment of the nation of Israel you can find the historical facts at:

Love and Prayers, Grandpa Les ......  P.S.  The most profound personal event of my life was when Jesus saved me.  The 2nd was Grandma.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Letter #1

Les’ Letters to my Grandchildren 001
Letter # 1: Regarding Spiritual Retardation

From Grandpa Leslie Briggs Wilson December 11, 2011

I am 74 years old.

I don’t know how long I will trip around in this old corruptible, mortal body.

Very soon, I’ll trade in this worn out piece of junk for a brand new incorruptible, immortal body. Thank you, Jesus.

I’m looking back at 74 years of spiritual retardation. I’ve learned a lot; but, I’ve learned it too slow.

I claim to have a brain about the size of a small grapefruit. Your
Cousin Mike said, “More like an orange or a tangerine.”

In any case, I am, now, barely able to wrap this brain around some of the wisdom that I should have had when I was thirty years old.

I am writing you these letters so you won’t waste your lives in spiritual retardation, as I have.

As the Old Dutch saying goes, “Too soon oldt and too late schmart.

You can stop reading right here if you want to stay ignorant.

There is an old saying that, “Ignorance is bliss.” Whoever said that just wasn’t old enough to know the end of the story.

Take it from an old man who has been ignorant for too many years, ignorance is not bliss. Ignorance is catastrophic. If you know there are sharks in the water, you might not go for a swim.

So you can swim with the sharks; ...... or, you can read on and be schmart by the time you are 30.

I believe you are bright enough to learn what I have learned and you can learn it all 44 years sooner. Why waste you life? Use it for God’s Glory.

Jesus created you. He gave you life. He gave you wonderful gifts.

When you were born Jesus gave you a free will. He gave you the right to self determination. When you accepted Him as Lord, you gave that right to self determination back to Him.

If you have surrendered your ‘self’ to Him, He lives in you. You have been bought with a price; the precious blood of Jesus.

He died for you. He arose from the grave for you. He owns you. He loves you. His Holy Spirit lives in you. You have everything you need to partake of His divine nature.

You can do all things through Christ Jesus, who strengthens you.

Life gets tough; but, life is great. I wish I could do it again. Hey! I can! I get to do another thousand years on this earth.

I get to do it with an immortal body. I get to live on planet earth for 1,000 years; with Jesus my King.

Jesus will take personal charge of this earth and the wickedness we witness here today will be over.

Then after the thousand years are finished, God will raise up the wicked dead and those whose names are not written in the Lamb’s book of life will be cast into the lake of fire, forever.

Then God will make a new heaven and a new earth and He will wipe away the all the tears from our eyes, “and there will no longer be any death; there will no longer be any mourning, or crying, or pain; the first things have passed away.” (NASB)

If the Lord is willing, my beloved Grandchildren, I’ll be writing to you over the next few weeks. I’ll tell you what I’ve learned.

I’ll tell you about, the nations that are gathered around Israel and the wars that are coming.

I’ll tell you about the rapture, the coming tribulation, the second coming of Jesus and His 1,000 year Kingdom of Heaven on this earth.

I’ve probably depleted your attention span; so, I’ll stop for now.

Love and prayers,

Grandpa Les

P.S. You can take my word for it; but, for proof see Revelation 20 & 21,
1st Corinthians 15:50-58, Mathew 24:31, Mark 13:24-31, Galatians 2:20, and 2nd Peter 1, et al.